Genuine Whirlpool auto washing machine replacement dog clutch assembly.
Suits a large range of Whirlpool washing machines. Made in the US from the highest quality products you will have your washing machine back in operation in no time.
Also know as part number 285753, WA285753, WP003
Agitator Dogs Available in a 4 pack
Suits most whirlpool models including 6LA6300XY, 5132E
Whirlpool and Maytag are the same company, therefore there is often crossover between parts for these two brands.
Replaces the following part numbers: 1980601, 285746, 3363663, X_285811, WPW021, 1743612
Suits models: 6ALSC8255MWO, 6LBR6245EQ1, 6ALSC8255JQ0